# of watchers: 9
| D20: 16 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit yawns.
2009-09-07 [Silverline]: "No need to thank me, just doing my job miss," Damian looks into her eyes
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami smiled, "alright"
2009-09-07 [Silverline]: Damian smiles back, returning to fiddling with his ring
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yani, "cool ring"
2009-09-07 [Silverline]: Damian nods a bit."Yes, it does have a sort of a dark beauty to it,"
2009-09-07 [Fallen Child Athena]: Kitty leaned against the wall outside. She was reading a book, not payin any attention to anyone.
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami, "oh i know where ive seen it"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor smiles at him
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit smiled back, "well hi"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor, "Hi"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit snuggles into him.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor smiles more
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit smiles back cuddling closely.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor shivers slightly, "We need to find a home or something"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit, "why?" he tilts his head.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor, "It's starting to get chilly and we can't keep sleeping outside"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit nods, "alright then"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor nods
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit smiles, "Lets go look then"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor smiles back and nods, "K'
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit smiles and stretches.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor watches him stretch
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit giggles, "ya like?"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor nods, "Of course"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit, "yay :D"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor chuckles
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit, "let us go :D"
2009-09-07 [Silverline]: Damian raises an eyebrow "Where?"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami shrugs.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor nods and starts walking
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit follows after him.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor, "Where to?"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: gambit, "I dont know yet"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor, "Damn"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit, "we'll find it though"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor nods
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit smiles walkin close to victor.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor smiles back and hums the jepordy theme song
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit giggles, "jeopardy?"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor, "yes :D was a good show :D"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit nods, "very good"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor nods, "But the old man scared me"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit giggled, "alex trebek?"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor nods, "Aye"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit, "yea he was kinda scary"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor nods, "uber scary"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit, "I'll protect ya from him"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor smiles, "Yay :D"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit smiles back and nods.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor kisses him lightly
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: GAmbit kisses back.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor, "Mine"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit, "damn straight"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor nods
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: GAmbit,, "and you're mine"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor smiles more and nods
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit smiles back, "good"
2009-09-07 [Fallen Child Athena]: Kitty walks around the school.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor smiles back and nods
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit giggles and stretches.
2009-09-07 [Fallen Child Athena]: Kittty goes to class.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor does everything to resist pouncing Gambit
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit giggles, "havin trouble?"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor nods and whimpers
2009-09-07 [Fallen Child Athena]: Kitty leaves class and goes off to walk round town.
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit, "with what dear?"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor, "You know" he wines
2009-09-07 [Fallen Child Athena]: Kitty walked to the zoo.
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit, "well lets find somewhere"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor :D
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit, "ah a hotel :D"
2009-09-07 [Fallen Child Athena]: Kitty sighs as she walks through the zoo.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor smiles, "Sweet :D"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit smiles back gettin tehm a room.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor, "Oooooh a room :D"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit giggles, "Of course"
2009-09-07 [Fallen Child Athena]: Kitty left the zoo and went back to the school to pack her stuff.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor smiles and goes to the room
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit smiles back followin him.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor :D
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit jumps onto the bed.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor jumps on after
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit purrs softly.
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor smiles and shivers
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit smiles back, "well come on"
2009-09-07 [wolvie]: Victor nods, "Alright"
2009-09-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit giggles pouncing Victor.
2009-09-07 [Silverline]: Damian chews his lip
2009-09-08 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason goes to a bar and sits down.
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Victor jumps then smiles
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit smiles back, "hey there"
Yami nodded and continued her walk.
2009-09-08 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason gets bumped by a drunk guy. He turns around. "Watch where ur goin asshole"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian sighs and leans against the wall
2009-09-08 [InLoveDontBothe r]: The drunk punches Jason and he hits back.
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami walks past Jason.
2009-09-08 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason looks at Yami.
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Victor, "Whatcha doing?"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami hums softly that ring looked awfully familiar
Gambit, "Havin fun"
2009-09-08 [InLoveDontBothe r]: The drunk hits Jason again and he hits back. hit me again mother fucker and see wut happens
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian starts walking down the street
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Victor smiles, "Sweet :D
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami whispers, "the coffin ring thats what that was"
Gambit smiles back grinding against Victor.
2009-09-08 [InLoveDontBothe r]: The drunk tries to hit Jason but he shocks him with big jolt. "BACK OFF ASSHOLE!!"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian sniffs, a tear sliding down his cheek
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami, "he's a mutant" she turns heading back to Damian.
2009-09-08 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason goes through the drunks pockets and takes all his money and leaves the bar.
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian wipes the tear away and runs a hang through his har, staring down at the ring. Why?....
2009-09-08 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason walks to his car. "Damn drunks"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami, "You ok Damien?"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: "Y-Yes, I'm fine." Damian fakes a charming smile
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami, "i can see past the smile"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian looks down
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami held out her hand, "you look like you need a place to stay"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Victor moans softly
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: "I'll be fine,"Damian blushes lightly
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit smiles then does stuffs.
Yami smiles, "come on"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian takes her hand
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami nods and goes back to the mansion
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Victor smiles back and pants softly
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gambit, "Fuckin amazin"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian chews his lip nervously
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami smiles, "dont worry you're welcome here"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: "What is this place?" Damain looks around
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Vcitor nods
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami, "Its a place for mutants"
gAmbit curls up to him.
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: "I see.." Damian looks around. "So you can tell what I am then?"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Victor smiles and falls asleep
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami nods, "I can"
Gambit falls asleep as well.
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian fiddles with his ring
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami smiles, "and its ok"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian smiles back
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami, "lemme show you to an empty room"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: "Thank you Yami"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami nods, "welcome damien" she shows him to a room, "here you go"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian steps into the room. "Wow.."
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami smiled, "hope you enjoy staying here"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian fakes a smile again "I'm sure I will,"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami, "are you being honest with me?"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan yawns and stretches
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue curls up more.
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian sighs and sits on the bed "Yami I don't enjoy much of anything anymore"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami sits next to him, "well here you can or at least try" she smiles, "here its like a whole new beginning"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian chews his lip "A new beginning..."
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami nods, "yep"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian smiles
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami smiles back, "If you want you can enroll in classes"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan smiles at her
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: "Classes?" Damian raises an eyebrow
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiles back.
Yami nods, "yea classes like defense classes or how to enhance or control your power even develop it"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: "Interesting," Damian smiles
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami smiles back and nods, "but if you dont thats alright"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: "Okay" Damain stands and hugs her "Thank you so much"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan, "Good mornin hun"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami hugs back, 'welcome and anytime"
Rogue pulls the cover over her head, "evil mornin"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian sits back down
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami smiles, "now i must be on my way dinner wont make itself"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan rolls hhis eyes and rudedly kicks her off of the bed :D
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian nods, laying down
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yami smiles then heads to the kitchen
Rogue eeps then goes all emo.
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan smiles and gets off of the bed kneeling by her and smiling, "you ok?"
2009-09-08 [Silverline]: Damian stares at his ring
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue looks away and acts hurt.
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan whimpers and nuzzles her
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue cant help but smile and nuzzles back.
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back, "There's a smile"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue giggles and playfully pushes him.
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan jumps then acts emoe
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue kisses his neck softly rubbing his chest.
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan shivers and smiles, "Damn you"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiles back, "yes logan?"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan, "Your evil"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue giggles, "I am not"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan, "You so are"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "prove it"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan, "Damnit I can't"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: rogue giggles, 'So see im not eviL"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan, "K fine"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nuzzles him, "ya know you love me"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan smiles and nuzzles back, "I know"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiles back, "yay me"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "yes yes yay you"
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue giggles.
2009-09-08 [WASHACKED]: [yello what I miss]
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [uh rogue got captured again then rescued again gambit and victor moped for a bit ate pizza some other stuff and now logan is callin rogue evil]
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: [yesh XD so epic XD]
Logan pretends to be asleep
2009-09-08 [WASHACKED]: [why is she evil and is safe for poor Max to jump in or not for kids eyes XD]
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [yea its safe]
Rogue gets dressed then goes and checks on max.
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: [i forgots XD]
Logan opens an eye and -,-
2009-09-08 [WASHACKED]: Max had been sleeping but woke up when Rogue walked in
[nice wolive]
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "hey buddy"
2009-09-08 [WASHACKED]: Max rubbed his eyes and smiled, "Hi mommys."
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled back, "Just wakin up?"
2009-09-08 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Yep :"D."
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan shrugs then curls up and tries to really sleep
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue picked up Max, "so whatcha wanna do?"
2009-09-08 [wolvie]: Logan frowns slightly and rubs at his head
2009-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue hugged back, "ok" then returned to the room with Max.
2009-09-08 [WASHACKED]: Max giggled and jumped out of her arms and on Logans soft sot down lower XD
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